Our Partners

       A company that uses sophisticated technology to identify, retrieve and analyse business critical customer communications. This technology allows its customers to efficiently scan and locate a particular call from thousands of stored calls in an instant. Its worldwide customer base is drawn from Financial Institutions,Government / Public and Emergency services and Call Centres . Indian Corporates and MNC's such as DSP Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley Dean Writter ,Credit Suisse First Boston, Standard Chartered Anz Grindlays, Unit Trust of India .HSBC are some of the Top-of-the line users .

With over 15 years of proven experience, Qwiz is the world's leading provider pf Skills Testing and training products serving Corporate human resources, the recruitment industry, telemarketing services industry and the Global IT market. Setting World standards in Call Centre Training , Qwiz delivers an objective tool that determine competencies and skill levels in order to produce higher quality work and, fewer mistakes.